Sunday, September 20, 2009

Proof's in the pudding

Like father like daughter... Gary was lying around watching a bit of TV. Lydia was rolling around playing with toys and she promptly took her spot above him. I'm thinking we need to get out of the house a bit more once the weather gets cooler!! Lydia's been getting around quite well. Rolling, crawling, all types of movement! AND who needs toys when there are things behind the fish tank she shouldn't be touching?

Lydia got her first taste of oatmeal this weekend. She really liked it and was quite eager to feed herself too! She also had a little bit of chicken tonight - we cooked it up for our dinner and saved her a piece too. She swallowed a little piece of it so that was nice. We're really trying to eat with her in the evening now.

I made Lydia some baby leggings. Basically they're knee high socks for adults, cut down to make baby leggings! How easy is that? And they're stylish too. How cool, hey? They keep her warm, make nappy changes easier, and protect her knees!

Not that she'll need them that long. She's decided that she needs to be standing up. She'll be walking in no time! Maybe she'll be close to walking by the time Annie, Elaine and Bern come over! Can you believe she's nearly a year old?!

1 comment:

de said...

Awww! I just love your posts! She is TOOO darn cute! We need to get together soon! I love your new blog look too!