Monday, December 27, 2010

Thank Goodness for Long Weekends!

Back to work already!  At least for a few days before 2011 rolls around.  We had a relaxing weekend.  Lydia got some pyjamas on Christmas Eve that she wore all day Christmas day.  On Christmas morning, she got to see her new tricycle with a Snoopy sitting in its seat.  The first thing she saw was Snoopy, and then she saw her tricycle.  There was slight excitement but I think she was still tired to really care too much!  She hasn't quite figured out the steering or the pedaling so it's something we'll be working on!
Breakfast was a lot of fun and a new family tradition for the three of us.  We turned the Christmas tree lights on, Christmas music, and we were all in our pyjamas.  It was fun as Lydia got to do some mixing of pancake batter, then she got to eat what she had been making!  It was a great way to set the tone for the rest of the day too.  We're excited as it's really the first time we've thought about family traditions and consciously made a decision to have Mummy, Daddy and Lydia time. 

After our breakfast we got changed and showered and then Gary's parents came over and we had a Christmas lunch.  Lydia opened some more toys and got into a cute little dress that Gary's parents bought for her.  She really enjoyed the crayons and markers and has been playing with magnetic letters and numbers on an easel. 
Gary has this cool fandangled orange juice thing.  Gary's Mom said that it was Grandma Hazel that first showed him how to use it.  It's a plastic juice straw thing that screws into the orange, you squish the orange around to get the juice out, then you eat the orange!  How fun!  Gary gets very excited when he's able to give Lydia an orange, although I told him to hold off for a few days because, well, too much citrus isn't always the best thing!

Alright, best be off.  Have a good week, peeps.

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