Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Day in the Life of Lydia

This past Sunday, Mummy and Daddy took me out. We went to look at bike trailers, and then afterwards we went to get something to eat. It was fun. If you want to see what I thought about it, there's a video too!After lunch, we went to Riverfront Park. I got a lot of exercise walking around, playing with sticks and acorns, and enjoying the open air. I like to play outside! Dana, my daycare provider, takes me outside too. It's been nice and warm enough this week.The Stingrays had a hockey game at 4 o'clock that day! Brilliant! It meant that Mummy and Daddy could take me to the game and it wouldn't interfere with my bedtime. I was so tired from walking around though that I took a mini nap. I don't think too many people noticed...except for everyone in section 140! I missed the 2nd period but I woke up in time to watch the Stingrays win the game.It's been all downhill since then. I got my MMR shot last week, and it seems to be causing itchy scratchiness all over my body! It started as a few spots on my arms and legs, but it's slowly covered my body and even my face. Here's a pic of the rash on my face... Mummy's keeping a keen eye on me, but Daddy says it's okay. I've had one of these rashes before, when my aunties were here. This one looks a bit worse though and I'm not feelng very well because of it.
Okie dokie, it's time for me to go. It's way past my bedtime. Last night I went to bed at 8pm and I ended up getting back up again at 10pm. I don't know how else to say this, but I really needed to do a poop! So I did! But then Mummy and Daddy were paying attention so I stayed up until 1 in the morning! Wow, it was a party! So I had better go to bed else Mummy and Daddy might be mad. I can't do it too often or they'll catch on... Good night fans! Be kind!

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