Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stronger, healthier babies

We're walking in the March for Babies to raise money for the March of Dimes again.  If you have the heart to donate, please go to  If you haven't ever donated, please consider doing so this year.  If you've donated before, please consider donating again.  It doesn't have to be a lot.  You can give me the change in your pocket, or give me your extra spending money for the month.  You can give me $2, $20 or $200.  Either way, it really isn't the thought that counts, but the action behind it.

If you don't want to or can't donate to this cause, please consider another.  Or volunteer your time and energy to something else you believe in.  I obviously can't force anyone to do anything.  What I can tell you is that I am passionate about being compassionate.  That my life's work and all that I strive for at work and at home is to be kind to myself, to my family and to others. 

I believe in the power of volunteerism and that groups of everyday people can achieve so much more together.  Whether you donate your money, give your time or advocate for something you believe in, do something. 

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